Friday, October 1, 2010

Silly things that kids say...

Today is FRIDAY!! This week has been a little on the slow side, but I'll take it.

I have a couple of funny "Hailey" stories to share. Hailey had to sit in the time out chair on Wednesday and her teacher told Barry that she became VERY upset. Her teacher said Hailey didn't want her Daddy to find out. So, when I got home, I asked Hailey what she said to her teacher. She said, "I told her I didn't want her to tell my daddy because he'll tear my tail UP!"! For the record, she didn't get a spanking - but on the other hand, at least she knows that if she gets in trouble at school, she has consequences at home! However, I don't want it to sound like we beat her! LOL!!

Hailey has also made friends with a little boy at school named Connor. Wednesday (same day as the tail-tearing comment) she told me that when she turns 5, she's going to marry Connor. (This is the same girl who got upset when she found out her daddy was already married and who says when she turns 10, she's going to go "surf-boarding" so she can say Cowabunga, Dude.) I proceeded to let her know that the rule in our house is she can't get married until she's out of school and living on her own. (Please, Lord, don't let me have to eat crow on that one!)

Yesterday, she said Connor told her he's a DJ. When I asked her what a DJ was, she said it's someone who goes "wicky wicky" on the record table and scratches CDs. ROFL!!! Not only is she learning her ABCs at preschool, she's getting taught the art of record-scratching. Niiiiiiiiiiiice. I think I laughed for a full 5 minutes after she told me that! Too funny what they play when they're all get together!

Finally, the highlight of the week, Hailey has started saying the blessing before we eat dinner (or whenever she eats anything, really). The first couple of times she said it, I noticed she was saying something odd after "God is great". Turns out, she was saying, "God is great, Barry's good." LOL! There's a song out that says "God is great, Beer is good, and People are crazy." So, Hailey thought that was part of saying Grace (and she thought the song said "Barry's good" - thank goodness)!!! Geez, Louise - what her teacher must think of us!!! Needless to say, we had a quick lesson on how to say the blessing correctly - and Barry learned that she really WILL repeat whatever she hears!

Life here is never boring, that's for sure!

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