So, today is Mother's Day and it seems fitting that today is the day I start a blog. As I'm currently pregnant with our second child, I find myself wanting to keep track of things as my memory isn't as sharp as it should be - preggo brain is really a thing to reckon with! So, bear with me, as I'm not sure what I'm doing yet!
So much has happened since the day Barry and I got married, the biggest endeavor of which is parenthood. We became parents on November 9, 2006, when I gave birth to an 8 lb 7.6 oz little girl we named Hailey Elise. What a journey it's been! She is now 2 and a half and is constantly making us laugh with her bubbly personality and out of the blue comments. She's very precocious and headstrong, so it's challenging at times. Right now, we're working on potty training. It's a slow process, but she's making lots of progress. We bought her some thick training panties that she really likes, and she is beginning to go on her own and tell us more when she has to go potty. However, it also doesn't bother her in the least to have on wet pants - which is something I'm not quite sure how to remedy! It'll come, though, when she's ready. I just hope it's before this baby makes his or her appearance!
Speaking of our new addition, I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant. I've found it to be an entirely different experience this time around. I've had a scare with some bleeding; however, all seems to be okay so far. I've also had more "morning sickness" (which translates into "whenever the nausea strikes" sickness) this time around, but it's eased off quite a bit in the past 3 weeks. I still get nauseated a little when brushing my teeth, but it's pretty easy to manage. I definitely cannot complain, as some people I know have all day and night sickness! Anyway, we should find out in a couple of weeks whether we are having a boy or a girl. Personally, I have a gut feeling that we'll be buying some BLUE this time around, but who knows. I'm not known for my intuitive skills, that's for sure! We're still throwing around names and while I have some favorites, we're nowhere near settled on anything. I'll post a poll with some of our faves if I can figure how to do so!
Other than that, Barry and I are living in Paulding Co. in Temple, GA. We have a nice home (although we seem to be outgrowing it fast!) and are very lucky to be secure in the jobs we have. Barry works for Flowers Baking Co. in Villa Rica on the 3rd shift and then works landscaping with Paramount Landscaping. I've really benefitted from the latter because Barry and Zack (his boss) landscaped our yard as an anniversary present to me. Now that everything is blooming, it looks so nice! I work as a school counselor at Poole Elementary in Paulding Co. I love my job, although it's very stressful at times. However, I get to do some really cool things to help people and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
So, that's us in a nutshell! Keep posted as I update periodically about the pregnancy, about Hailey, and about our life in general. It's sure to be one fun ride!